Healthy Habits and Hormonal Balance

Listen to the show on 12/31/18 with  Dr. Amy Day, on KPFA 94.1FM

As the year comes to an end we can all reflect on our level of stress, fatigue, mood, and overall health. Do you make your good health a priority, or do you find it gets put on the back burner because of all the other things you have to do? Join us to discover some simple ways to replenish your energy and reduce your stress.

Dr. Amy Day is a doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. She is the founder of The Women’s Vitality Center in Berkeley, CA and specializes in helping busy professional women with stress, fatigue, and hormonal issues. After helping 1,000s of women in her private practice, Dr. Amy now also offers online group programs and virtual health coaching to support women outside of the Bay Area. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Endometriosis Association and is a past board member of the California Naturopathic Doctors Association.While in medical school, struggles with her own women’s health issues fueled Dr. Amy’s passion to work with and empower other women. She now provides experienced and compassionate care to help get to the bottom of complex hormone issues including adrenal/thyroid health, perimenopause/menopause, PMS, PCOS and endometriosis. She uses an integrated approach combining diet, exercise, lifestyle counseling, stress management, nutritional supplements, botanical medicines and bioidentical hormones as she guides women on the journey to optimal wellness.

Learn more at You can download a free copy of her e-book—

4 Steps to Replenish Your Energy.

Cancer as a Wake-Up Call

Listen to today’s show (11/19/18) on KPFA, 94.1FM

Dr. M. Laura Nasi joins me for an in-depth conversation about an integrative approach to what you can do to become whole again when you have a diagnosis of cancer. Dr. Nasi presents a new way of looking at how we view and treat cancer. Integrative medicine encourages chemo and radiation when necessary, while also focusing on a patient’s internal balance to help halt the disease.


M. Laura Nasi, MD, is an integrative oncologist in private practice in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She specialized in Internal Medicine at Temple University and in Clinical Oncology at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in NY, was Clinical Research Coordinator for the International Breast Cancer Study Group in Bern, and Research Director for a Swiss pharmaceutical company. She lives with her partner alongside a lake on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, where she grows her own vegetables.

Prescribing Nature For Health

People experience therapeutic benefits when immersed in nature. Research shows that spending significant time in nature can lead to better immunity, reduced anger, better mood, good sleep, and increased energy. Spending time in nature also reduces blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones. In partnership with the East Bay Regional Park District, the Primary Care Clinic at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland became one of the first in the nation to refer patients to the outdoors for health. The program is called Stay Healthy In Nature Everyday (SHINE).

There are now many doctors prescribing Nature for its health benefits. Ask your doctor about it!

(Picture from Outdoor Afro)

Listen to todays show on KPFA 94.1FM (10/22) 


Nooshin Razani, MD, MPH, is a pediatric clinical scientist and Nature Champion. She serves as director of the Center for Nature and Health at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland, and she founded the Stay Healthy In Nature Everyday (SHINE) program. She is leading a team of clinicians conducting a randomized clinical trial to examine how to operationalize a park prescription program in a low-income setting. Since 2014, Dr. Razani has prescribed time outdoors to her pediatric patients and their families as preventive medicine. The results of the first study showed reduced stress in the parents of pediatric patients at a clinic serving low-income families. The randomized clinical trial is the first of its kind. It compared the effect of supported park outings versus independent park prescriptions with the goal of learning how to operationalize a park prescription program in a low-income setting. She was trained as a Nature Champion by the National Environmental Education Fund and Bureau of Fish and Wildlife in 2010. Dr. Razani is an attending physician UCSF Benioff Oakland’s Ambulatory Department and Assistant Clinical Scientist at Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI).She attended medical school at University of California San Francisco, completed a pediatric residency at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland, and has a Masters in Public Health from the Harvard School of Public Health.

Daphne Miller, MD founded WholeFamily MD, San Francisco’s first integrative primary care medical practice. Her mission was to reclaim the heart of medicine by focusing on her patients rather than on the business and red tape of medical practice. Dr. Miller welcomes the challenge of medical mysteries and enjoys helping patients tackle complex health problems. She feels her most important role is to help patients discover their “inner doctor,” so that they may develop the skills they need to manage their health. Dr. Miller is a graduate of Brown University and Harvard Medical School and completed her family medicine residency and an NIH-funded primary care research fellowship at UCSF. She is also a Bravewell Fellow with the University of Arizona Program in Integrative Medicine. Dr. Miller is an Associate Professor at UCSF where she teaches nutrition and integrative medicine.  When she is not seeing patients or teaching, Dr. Miller writes books and articles related to food, farming, the environment, and health. She has authored two best-selling books: The Jungle Effect: The Healthiest Diets from Around the WorldWhy They Work and How to Make Them Work for You and Farmacology: Total Health from the Ground Up.