Don’t Freak Out!

Why it is so important for us parents to have healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with stress and anxiety, as well as Rona and my tips for bringing down our stress levels while bringing more bliss into our lives. Aired: October 2011

To sign up—or not to sign up?

Christine and I discuss the “decision tree” I use for deciding whether or not to sign my kids up for another activity.  Here are a few questions you can ask yourself to keep stress—and feelings of being too busy—at bay in your household. Aired: September 2011

Why We Overschedule our Children

Christine and I discuss the reasons that we parents are often tempted to let our kids do more after-school activities than we ever dreamed possible when we were children ourselves.  What activities will help our kids succeed?  Which ones can be skipped? Aired: September 2011