Feeding Challenges and Eating Disorders In Children and Teens

notwanting toeatListeNow! https://kpfa.org/player/?audio=223313 

Andrea Garber, PhD, RD was on “About Health,” with me on KPFA.org. We addressed many of the issues related to eating challenges and disorders in children and teens.

There are extreme attitudes in the US surrounding weight and eating issues. 20 million women and 10 million men suffer from a clinically significant eating disorder at some time in their life. Disorders — such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder –are serious emotional and physical problems, that can have life-threatening consequences.
Thank you for calling in with your questions. Let me know what topics you would like to hear about.

Eating disorders words - tag cloud illustration

Andrea Garber, PhD, RD is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Adolescent Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and Chief Nutritionist for the Adolescent and Young Adult Eating Disorders Program at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital. 

She teaches and trains medical and graduate students, pediatric residents, and fellows in adolescent medicine and child psychiatry through her role in the Leadership Education in Adolescent Health program at UCSF and a Maternal Child Health-Nutrition training program in collaboration with the School of Public Health at UC Berkeley. She also teaches in the classroom, as the Nutrition Theme Director for the UCSF School of Medicine.

Her research focuses on eating disorders. She is the Principal Investigator on two NIH-funded studies of refeeding in adolescents with anorexia nervosa. In the community, Dr. Garber has been a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors Childhood Obesity Task Force, co-Chair of the Mayor’s Shape Up initiative, and an invited participant to Governor Schwarzenegger’s Obesity Summit.

Upcoming Trainings and Presentations

yelling cartoon

Is That Me Yelling?  A workshop to help you bring more harmony to your home

Thursday January 21st at 6:30PM

Alameda Parent Education Speaker Series

Edison Elementary School

2700 Buena Vista Ave, Alameda (enter on Pearl St)

Childcare provided for 5yr+ 

Cost: Free


Parent Ed Speaker Series Flyer 


Temperament Training unnamed

Tuesday February 2nd from 9-12

Web: www.first5alameda.org


Is That Me Yelling?

 Tuesday February 2nd, 7PM

Belvedere Hawthorne Nursery School in Tiburon. 


If you would like a training at your school or organization contact me at

Environmental Toxins and Your Health

images-5Every day we’re exposed to toxic chemicals in the air, water, food, and in the products we use. The more we know, the better chance we have of making good choices for our health and the health of our children. 

If you missed the show on Environmental Toxins you can LISTEN NOW:https://kpfa.org/player/?audio=222304

imgresMy guests were: Caroline Cox, Research Director at Center for Environmental Health (CEH) where she leads research on toxic exposures, identifying, analyzing and substantiating the scientific bases for the work to eliminate threats to children and others exposed to dangerous chemicals in consumer products. Caroline has testified to Congress and to state and federal regulatory agencies on consumer products safety and health risks from pesticides. She has also co-authored several science articles on hidden ingredients in pesticides, air quality around fracking cites, and on the successes of CEH’s work in eliminating lead from jewelry. Previously, she worked as staff scientist at the Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP) in Oregon. She was also editor of NCAP’s Journal of Pesticide Reform and has co-authored numerous papers in scientific journals. Caroline is on the Steering Committee of Californians for Pesticide Reform. She also serves on the Board of Directors of Beyond Pesticides.


Dr. Ann López is the Executive Director of The Center for Farmworker Families, www.farmworkerfamily.org  She has taught courses in biology, environmental science, ecology, and botany in the biology department at San José City College.  She is an independent researcher whose research addresses the human side of the binational migration circuit from the small producer farms of west central Mexico to employment in California’s corporate agribusiness. She is the author of  The Farmworkers’ Journey, published in 2007. In 2008 she was chosen as one of Silicon Valley’s 100 most influential Latinos in the category of Technology, Health, and Science by the Mexican American Community Services Agency (MACSA). In 2012, Dr. Lopez and her organization won the Social Justice Award at the 32nd Annual Western Regional EcoFarm Conference in Asilomar. She was chosen as a Woman of the Year for 2013 and 2014 by the National Association of Professional Women, and has been chosen as the Sustainability Honoree by San Jose’s Human Agenda Organization this year.

Dr. Lopez’ research findings while interviewing central California farmworker families and their family members in Mexico were fundamentally disturbing and life transforming. As a result, she is actively attempting to create awareness about the Human Rights abuses that are endemic to every juncture of the migrant circuit. 


Upcoming Presentations

If you want to yell less and enjoy the holidays more, join us for a presentation in December

A group for parents who desire more harmony at home.Is That Me Yelling? 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

  • 7-9PM, $45

  • Parents Place Marin

  • San Rafael, CA

To register go to: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/is-that-me-yelling-all-ages-registration-19430838160?aff=FB

  • Wednesday, December 2, 2015, 6PM

  • Via Nova Preschool, Berkeley CA

  • 3032 M.L.K. Jr Way, Berkeley, CA 94703. 

  • Call (510) 848-6682 for more information

If you want to schedule a training for parents, teachers, childcare providers, or health professionals in your community contact


Childhood Disrupted

I interviewed the author of, Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology. You can listen to the entire interview here on KPFA’s weekly show About Health: 


“This groundbreaking book connects the dots between early life trauma and the physical and mental suffering so many live with as adults. Nakazawa fully engages us with fascinating, clearly written science and moving stories from her own and others’ struggles with life-changing illness. Childhood Disrupted offers a blend of fresh insight into the impact of trauma and invaluable guidance in turning toward healing!” —Tara Brach, PhD, author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge.

childhood-disruptedcovDonna Jackson Nakazawa has written a groundbreaking book showing the link between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and adult illnesses such as heart disease, autoimmune disease, and cancer. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study is one of the largest investigations ever conducted to assess associations between childhood maltreatment and later-life health and well-being. In the interview we discuss how to cope with these emotional traumas and heal from them.  


Donna Jadonna-jackson-nakazawa-2015smckson Nakazawa is an award-winning science journalist interested in exploring the intersection between neuroscience, immunology, and the deepest inner workings of the human heart. Donna’s other works include, The Autoimmune Epidemic, which investigates the causes of a growing environmental health crisis, and The Last Best Cure, which chronicles a year-long journey to test a variety of mind-body therapies in order to unlock the restorative powers of the brain. She is also the author of Does Anybody Else Look Like Me?: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Multicultural Children. 





Reducing Mental Health Disparities for Men and Boys and Strengthening Wellbeing.

If you missed this weeks show on “About Health” you can listen to Dr. Will Courtenay and Niiobli Armah. They discussed the mental health disparities for men and boys, especially men of color, and current strategies that are being implemented to reduce suffering and strengthen wellbeing. 

So much to think about regarding this complex and important topic!

Tune in here: https://kpfa.org/player/?audio=218248



My Guests:


niiobliNiiobli Armah, Program Manager at Prevention Institute, works on the Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing team. He is the former Director of Health Programs for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) where he was responsible for managing the NAACP’s national policy and advocacy work, including HIV/AIDS, healthcare reform, and health equity portfolios. He also has worked at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, coordinating the daily operations of a childhood health collaborative focused on policy and environmental change. He is a graduate of the Southern University Nelson Mandela School of Public Policy.  http://www.preventioninstitute.org/about-us/our-staff.html

imgresDr. Will Courtenay, is an internationally recognized expert in men’s health and in helping men, boys, and fathers. The American Psychological Association calls him, “a leading psychologist in the field of masculinity.” He  provides psychotherapy and counseling to individuals in the S.F. Bay Area, and phone consultation to those outside of the area. You can reach him at 415-346-6719 or check out his website at http://www.themensdoc.com. He is also the author of Dying To Be Men: http://www.amazon.com/Dying-Men-Environmental-Biobehavioral-Psychotherapy/dp/0415878764