Boulder Bookstore Reading

It was a wonderful night in Boulder, thanks to my daughter Mara and her friends and colleagues.  I met many people who do great work for children and families. I enjoyed the questions from parents who, like most parents, are trying to figure out how to communicate with their kids without letting their feelings of frustration and anger get the best of them.

I look forward to going back to Boulder—it’s a friendly and beautiful city. BoulderBookReading Boulder Bookreading2


Boulder Bookstore Event

Do you live in Boulder Colorado? If so take a listen to KGNU Thursday at 7AM. I’ll be talking with Maeve Conran about my book “Is That Me Yelling?”

I hope to see you on May 22nd  at the Boulder Bookstore at 7:30PM for a book reading. Bring your friends and your questions. Come if you yell more than you would like to, or if you want to learn more about reducing your frustration with you child. We’ll discuss ways to yell less and and reduce your stress and your child’s.

Connecting with parents and friends

It was terrific to do a book reading at Book Passage in Corte Madera. I had the chance to reunite with friends who helped make my radio show, Childhood Matters, successful….Peter B. Collins, Marisol Munoz-Kiehne, and Ether Seiderman. My gratitude to my daughter Carina for helping me and being a shining light, and many thanks to Kathryn and Melissa at Book Passage, and Rebecca Wood-Breen of Parents Place,  who co-sponsored the event.

I love talking to parents about raising children and becoming more aware of how to respond rather than react to their child’s behavior. It takes patience and practice to stay calm and decide what’s needed.

I look forward to doing a book reading in Boulder Colorado this week. Please let me know if you would like a presentation in your community.


Reading at Book Passage: “Is That Me Yelling?”

Take a few hours off from raising your kids and join me at Book Passage in Corte Madera on Saturday May 17th to explore ways to yell less!

You will see that you are not alone!

Your kids will be happy when you reduce your yelling in the morning or any time when the stress increases and your patience goes down.

I learned to yell less, so you can too.

A group for parents who desire more harmony at home.

Is That Me Yelling? Books Inc., Palo Alto: May 15th

Do you want to make a plan this Mother’s Day to reduce your stress and enjoy your kids more?

Join us to hear about how to yell less at your kids, find out what the big yelling triggers are for you, and make a plan.  Bring your questions and your friends. May 15th at 6:30PM

I will read from my book, #1Rona Renner-004 (1) and talk to you about ways to reduce your stress and manage your frustration when your child won’t listen or he  insists on picking on his brother.

“As a pediatrician and parent. I truly appreciate Rona Renner’s holistic and practical approach to parenting. This book should be required reading for all new parents.” –Lawrence Rosen, MD

To get information on this reading go to:

To find out about other events click here:

This event is co-sponsored by Parents Place