Realities of Life for Young Women with Breast Cancer

Take a listen to the show I did on”About Health” with two wonderful women sharing their stories and wisdom:

October is Nation Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

I was honored to have in studio two of the authors of Shivering in a paper gown_“Shivering in a Paper Gown, Breast Cancer and Its Aftermath: An Anthology,” Laurie Hessen Pomeranz and Meaghan Calcari Campbell. “Through its thirty contributing authors, this anthology reveals the realities of life, through and with cancer, as the authors learn how to survive and in the process, how to live.”

All book proceeds benefits Bay Area Young Survivors (BAYS).  



Laurie-KPFALaurie Hessen Pomeranz is a San Francisco-based Marriage, Family and Child Therapist who works with teenaged boys and their parents. She has a teenaged boy of her own, with her wonderful husband of 17 years. Laurie was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 41, and has found writing as a part of her healing process. Her work has been published on, The Mother Company, and in 3 Anthologies: The Day My Nipple Fell Off, I am With You, and Shivering in a Paper Gown. Laurie is a singer in the local tot-rock band, Charity and the JAMband.


bio.meaghanMeaghan Calcari Campbell works in philanthropy and ocean conservation with local communities and non-profits. Diagnosed with breast cancer at thirty-two without a family history of the disease, her initial treatments lasted sixteen months and will continue for many years. She discovered blogging and its power in her healing from day one of her diagnosis. Meaghan’s work has been published in two Anthologies: The Day My Nipple Fell Off and Shivering in a Paper Gown. Meaghan finds great joy in serving as President of the Bay Area Young Survivors (BAYS). To see more of Meaghan’s writing, visit

Teens, Sexuality, and Health: Effective Sex Education at Home and at School

Children and teens often get confusing messages about healthy sexuality from their parents, friends, the media, and their school sex education program (if there is one). 

Sex Ed

If we want teens to grow up with a healthy attitude, and practice safe sex, then parents and teachers need to feel comfortable talking about this complex and emotionally charged topic.

If you missed this show on October 12th tune in right here:

What does quality sexual health education in the schools look like? And what do parents need to give their kids accurate information to help them when they are young, and when they become sexually active?

The California Healthy Youth Act (AB 329), by Assembly member Shirley Weber, has passed! 


Anya Manes, a former high school science teacher for 11years. Her biology class also became a sex-ed class where she came to understand what kids knew and what they didn’t, and what kinds of social skills they lacked. Anya did her master’s coursework in education and completed the Interchange Counseling Institute’s training program. Anya has a coaching practice, teaching parents to talk to their kids about sex and relationships. You can find out more about her work at
Phyllida Burlingame, the ACLU’s Reproductive Justice Policy Director. She sets the strategic direction for this work and engages in policy advocacy, research, and community organizing to secure passage of legislation and ensure its implementation.
A nationally recognized expert on sex education advocacy, she has led the ACLU-NC’s work on this issue since 2001. Her proudest moments at the ACLU include working with a broad coalition in 2013 to pass legislation expanding abortion access in California, galvanizing parents and students to win quality sex education from their local schools, and tackling the education barriers facing pregnant and parenting students in California’s Central Valley. She is also the steering committee chair of Bay Area Communities for Health Education and a member of California’s Adolescent Sexual Health Working Group and the Fresno Regional Foundation’s Teen Pregnancy Prevention committee.

Sex ed cartoon


Presentations in October

I always enjoy talking to parents and providers in the community. Here are two of the talks I’ll be doing this month:

October 7, 2015 

Is That Me Yelling?  Bring more harmony to your home! 

JCC East Bay presents a Parent Education Seminar from 6:30-8:30

Jewish Community Center of the East Bay at 14124 Walnut St. Berkeley Ca

For more information call 510-848-0237 x122

October 8, 2015

Understanding Your Child’s Behavior Through The Lens of Temperament

from 7-9PM

To register go to:

Parents Place in Marin, CA

Do you want to schedule a training for parents, teachers, childcare providers, or health professionals in your community? If so contact me at



Taking The Power Struggle Out of Parenting

On Monday September 21st, I participated in KPFA’s Fund Drive, on 94.1 FM or online at 

On “About Health” I played excerpts from the Four CD set “Taking The Power Struggle Out of Parenting: The Art of Powerful, Non-Defensive Communication,” Written and narrated by Sharon Strand Ellison. 

If you want to listen to show just click here:

I hope to continue to host “About Health” on a regular basis, so please let the station know that you appreciate this show. I am grateful for your support.


AA father and son
Nurse Rona

The Power of Yoga and Qigong for Self-Healing

AmeliaDr. Amelia Barili joined me on KPFA 94.1FM on “About Health” to discuss Yoga and Qigong. These two time-tested techniques and practices foster self-healing, resilience, and creativity. The combination of Yoga and Qigong can help you focus your attention, deepen your intentions, overcome pain, and increase well being. You can listen to the entire show at

You can learn more about Amelia Braili’s classes at



Picture compliments of

Dr. Amelia Barili graduated in 1972 from Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute in India, with a Diploma on Comparative Philosophy of Religions and Classical Yoga and has taught yoga philosophy for many years. She is a disciple of Grandmaster Yang Mei Jun, the 27th generation inheritor of the Taoist Medical Qigong system, and has also studied other forms of Qigong. Dr. Barili, a faculty member of UC Berkeley and the Dharma Realm Buddhist University, has brought these ancient contemplative practices into the academic environment and teaches meditative techniques as tools to overcome stress and foster deep learning. She has co-lead retreats with physicist Fritjof Capra on “The Emerging Consciousness” and with abbot Ajahn Amaro on “Entering the Now.”
 At UC Berkeley, in her course “Borges, Buddhism, and Cognitive Science,” she begins each class with brief meditations to foster the students’ ability to focus and observe their minds. She also teaches “Borges on Buddhism and Buddhism in Borges” and “Borges, Buddhism and Dreams” at OLLI (Osher Life-Long Learning Institute) for the Berkeley adult community. At the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery she teaces a semester-long session “Integrating Classical Yoga and Taoist Qigong” on Monday nights. For more information go to:

Adult ADHD: The Challenges and Gifts


On August 31st on “About Health” on KPFA 94.1 FM I was joined by two terrific guests, Phil Boissiere and Katherine Ellison. We had a lively discussion about how the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is made and what treatments are available for adults. 

If you missed the show you can listen here:

Is your distractibility, procrastination, perceptiveness, restlessness, high energy, creativity, honesty, or disorganization, a symptom of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or is it something else? 

Do you see ADHD as a disorder? A difference? or just the way your unique mind works? ADHD abstract

Frequently, adults begin to uncover and untangle  their own neurodiversity when they are seeking treatment for their child who is having trouble at school, with friends, or at home. And sometimes job or relationship struggles and failures motivate people to seek out help. ADHD appears in childhood, and usually continues into adulthood for approximately 5% of the population. 


My guests:
Phil Boissiere, MFT is a Silicon Valley based Adult ADHD treatment specialist. He is the creator of the self-help video series titled Learn to Thrive with Adult ADHD available at He is also the co-founder and clinical director of Elite Focus Clinic treating adult ADHD and cognitive performance. Phil also holds a private practice in San Francisco. His approach is goal oriented and he believes that dramatic change is possible in short periods of time. 
Katherine Ellison is a Pulitzer-Prize winning investigative journalist and former foreign correspondent who was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 48. She is the co-author, with Dr. Stephen Hinshaw, of “ADHD: What Everyone Needs to Know,” forthcoming in November, and the co-author of seven other books, including the memoir, “Buzz: A Year of Paying Attention.” “Buzz” is an account of a year she spent trying to improve her relationship with her 12-year-old son after both she and he were diagnosed with ADHD.